By Brenda W Hargroves
OK, so you’ve been elected as a nonprofit board president. Quite a responsibility, as the president’s management style is a key indicator of the board’s effectiveness.
That being said, let’s briefly examine the board president’s major areas of responsibility.
1) Is the Board effectively serving the organization it governs?
The board president should understand the role of the board and is responsible for making sure that the board supports the organization in the manner to which it has committed to serve. For example, a smaller nonprofit might need a working board where the board members actually perform specific tasks for the not-for-profit. A larger organization’s board may need to function in more of a policy-making capacity.
2) Are board-approved procedures being followed?
Every board is responsible for developing and revising by-laws to guide its operation. The board president strives to maintain order in accordance with the policies and procedures as designated in the by-laws. He or she is also responsible for scheduling appropriate review and revision of the by-laws’ articles.
By-law items should include:
Name of organization
Mission and/or vision
The board’s policies/procedures (# required board members, meeting times and location, attendance requirements)
Once boards grow to a specified size, committees should be put into place with a defined structure (officers, length of term, duties, etc.)
3) Are the nonprofits finances being properly managed?
Technically, all board members hold fiduciary responsibility for the fiscal integrity of the not-for-profit organization. Although it is the responsibility of the board treasurer to maintain the financial records of the not-for-profit, the board president should understand the organization’s financial reporting system, remain knowledgeable of its financial status and make certain that the board members recognize the importance of this information.
4) Are board committees functioning properly?
Most boards find it beneficial to designate committees to address its specific tasks. At minimum, there should be three standing committees. The first is a Fundraising Committee. All board members have a financial responsibility to the not-for-profit and the board should develop a strong committee to address this issue. The second committee should be related to the not-for-profit’s goals or objectives such as a Scholarship Selection Committee. The third should address board governance such as a Board Member Recruitment Committee. Each committee should select a chairperson.
The board president, as an ad-hoc member of all the committees, should monitor the activities of each committee to ensure that they are fulfilling their responsibilities.
5) Are board member meetings and relations effectively managed?

Presiding over board meetings and events is a key responsibility of the board president. Effective board meetings set the tone for board members and dictate how well the board will work.
As the board’s key figure, the board president makes certain that each board member remains interested in and committed to the board and its activities. The president is also responsible for resolving any issues that arise, in accordance with the board’s standard policies and procedures.
The role of Board President requires governing with a delicate balance. His or her management style often determines the board’s effectiveness. The board president must possess a clear-cut vision and a sound management style. In addition, the president’s people skills must include the ability to be a take-charge person who: a) ensures that activities move along at the desired pace and that timelines/deadlines are met b) recognizes when decisions must be made and is willing to facilitate resolution of issues c) supports the team but doesn’t continuously make excuses for member who do not fulfill their obligations and d) respects members’ input but understands when it is important to take action, even if members are not in agreement or have decided to withhold their opinion.
For more insight into nonprofit management, check out What To Consider When Starting A Small Business/Nonprofit, my podcast interview with Dr. LaDessa Mitchell from FYG Consulting.