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GOIN’ OFF TRAK – Social Media Simplified

Updated: Feb 19, 2023

OK, time to switch gears. Why? Because a light bulb has gone off. I’ve learned something new I need to share with you What does the GEICO gecko say – Serendipity!

To move from the desire to start a blog to actually starting one took years. Disinterest in the critical task of engaging in and managing social media sites to promote success fueled my inaction. Not that I felt intimidated, I simply did not want to be bothered!

Face it. How many of us Baby Boomers have an ‘I don’t have time for Facebook’ or ‘It’s overwhelming’ attitude? I’ve even heard friends my age call it ‘Wastebook.” I was the one who didn’t have the time, nor the interest. It was only when I was forced to create a Facebook personal page before I could start a page for my nonprofit that I entered the social media world. I’ve come to discover that like almost everything else, Facebook has its pros and cons. How you use it is the key to its value. I believe this is likely true of all other social media platforms.

I’m going to step out on a limb and say a major reason why the older generation might be hesitant to venture down the rabbit hole is because we do not understand a basic tool of social media technology. Not specific technology, but a general concept. And that is (drumroll please): MUCH OF WHAT YOU POST CAN BE UNDONE! Maybe not pictures, but certainly much of your conversation. The magic words are ‘Edit’ and ‘Delete’.

Part of my hesitation to delve into social media was learning and more important, accepting that everything does not have to be perfect. I wanted to vigilantly proofread everything ten times before publication. After all, my work had to be polished. Heaven forbid I come across as unprofessional. Then a wise young friend told me, “Just publish it. You can make changes later.” An aha moment!

Our generation is conditioned to believe that “Once it’s on the Internet, it’s there to stay” – NOT TRUE! Younger people are naturally accustomed to investigating. They are willing to press every link to figure out how to manage the site and make required edits. Many of us older folks are afraid to take that leap. We must learn to become more daring!

The reality is – You see a spelling mistake or typo. Click on edit and correct. You want to change or update a post. Click on edit and correct. Or delete and post again. More often than not, making revisions is easy peasy.

I’ve come to realize that being human means I am going to make mistakes. The point is many mistakes made on social media are easily fixablepdating is a painless process. Edit and Delete are your friends.

I’m fortunate to have a thirty-something teaching me the ins and outs of posting social media content. She has also pointed out that my writing does not always have to be so formal. It can occasionally be more colloquial. Thus, Goin’ Off Trak. How do you like me now? What can I say? Just trying to adjust. You may want to give it a try. Like me, you may find it enlightening.

A couple of my friends have told me they’ve never read a blog. Heck, some don’t even know what it is. Yet, they have committed to read and follow mine. I applaud their loyalty and willingness to try something new.

How about it? Let’s occasionally allow more light bulbs to go off together.

More on the business of life coming up!

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